James and I decided to leave a bit later and meet Al and the other hungry folks right at the restaurant. The slab is the slab so not much scenery to ponder over the first 63 miles. Leaving the interstate in Bushnell, we found a more scenic ride through the back roads to Floral City before heading north to Inverness.

Arriving at slightly after 11am, we found a greeting committee which included Tim Yow, a visitor from the snowy north. Last time Tim and I crossed paths was at the Founder's Feast in Clarksdale, MS. Shortly after our arrival, Joe and Ray rode in, beating the famous Richard Buber by just a few minutes. Cruz'n Al led his band of Gold Wing riders to the parking area and we all went inside for the festivities... time to eat!

A nice meal and some tire kickin' took place before we took to our scoots and returned to our destinations. Seems we are a hungry bunch as we were planning the next one before we left!