Kevin Lechner, Richard Buber, Greg Rice, Art Garvin, Bo Griffin, Sal Terranova, and Davo Jones represented the MTF (as did other MTF riders) very well. Kevin, Richard, Greg, Bo, and Art were finishers. Sal came up a bit short on points but completed his ride. Completing this ride is in and of itself worth commending.
Unfortunately, Davo didn't finish the ride. But 75 miles short of completion, he struck a deer in Idaho. His injuries were severe and he was airlifted to a trauma center. Sadly, he did not survive. He leaves his wife, Willow, three daughters and a son, a grandchild, and many friends from the long distance motorcycle community.

"'s just a road."
We are all destined to die; some choose to live while alive"...Davo
In just a couple of hours of conversation, Davo lived up to his online reputation. Honest, sincere, and a gentleman.
You will be missed my friend. Godspeed Davo.
We will ride in your memory!