Saturday, March 6, 2010

IBA Winter Party.. The Legends SS1000

The annual event is now in the books and the only remaining duty is the three hour ride home. It began Wednesday afternoon with a departure from Miami. The sky was clear and quite blue. It was very windy as a cold front was approaching...more on that later.

After checking in to the Day's Inn, I made the five minute ride to the Ramada Inn to meet and greet and attend the mandatory rider's meeting for the Legends ride the next day. Over 90 riders had signed up for the event. The IBA made this SS1000 easy for the new riders. Witnesses at each of seven checkpoints would eliminate the need for gas receipts. Ride, get signed off, and ride to the next stop.

I was assigned the 7:00am departure grouping. Cool. I get to sleep an extra hour! After a brief sign in, I was ready for departure. Based on previous rides, I expected to maintain the BBG time frame which would return me to Jacksonville by 11:30pm. Let's go!

Getting back to the cold front... it was here and the temps at departure were a brisk 42 degrees. If I was able to stay on my timetable, I would miss the coldest of forecast weather that was to occur after midnight. Mid 20's were forecast for after midnight.

The first stop was Daytona Beach, a short 80 mile leg. Arrival was at 8:05am and the witness/legend was Bob Higdon. A quick signature and off I go. No, wait. I have to make a call or two. Today is a work day after all. The two calls turn into an hour and I leave Daytona at 9:00am.

The next stop was Tampa. Many had discussed how to get through Orlando and all the rush hour traffic. I had made the decision to avoid downtown Orlando and while 417 adds 18 miles to the leg and makes one pay, i.e. toll road, it is generally worth the extra mileage. Today was no different. Putting the Sunpass to work, I rode the circle and pulled into the Tampa checkpoint at 11:00am. Dave McQueeney was there to sign the witness form. Of course, another couple of calls before I departed. This is getting annoying!

I left at 11:30 for Ocala, the next checkpoint. I made good time and arrivede less than 90 minutes after leaving Tampa. Ardys Kellerman was waiting to sign my form. One quick phone call and I'd be on my way. That was the plan byt Ardys was ready to chat and I had 24 hours to complete the ride. No worries. The next checkpoint is 46 miles away!

Chiefland, Florida was next and I arrived at 2:45pm. Jim Owen, winner of the 2009 Iron Butt Rally was the witness. We chatted for a bit. My phone rang (what else is new). I cleared up a couple of issues and.... what do you mean, a conference call? Are you kidding? Well, if I have to wait, I might as well eat. McDonald's was not the lunch of choice but under the circumstances... eat and listen to the call. Seemed the call was going to be brief and I was out of Chiefland at 3:30pm and on my way to Tallahassee.

The Waffle House at exit 209 on I-10 was the destination and Shane Smith, another IBR winner was waiting. Seems I was the last to show up. 480 miles and 11 hours... trust me, I was not happy. Shane was a great witness and he also was a giver of gifts. Everyone at his stop received a bandana in memory of Frane Crane. A nice touch! I sat for a few minutes and headed out to the bike. RING...RING. What else but the phone. Another 35 minutes passed before I was able to depart.

I had made the decision to make up some time. As long as the phone was not interrupting me, I'd be able to eat away at the time deficit (mine and not the SS1000 limites). Of course, not getting a call was not to be. Fortunately, it was a 10 minute call and I immediately got back on the road, arriving in Pensacola at 8:00pm CST. Marty Lier, the third IBR winner in a row signed me off while laughing at my demise (the BlackBerry). I had to get back to Tallahassee so the visit was brief. Fuel up and head out.

Another 2.5 hours later and I was back at the Waffle House to be signed off by Ross (IBR winner - 1986) and Jean Copas. Upon arrival, I found a fellow rider! He was warming up as the temps were now close to 35 degrees. Such lovely Florida weather. I had the witness form completed and made the decision to get something to eat. I had 7 hours left and 185 miles to go. At the same time, I couldn't get the fact out of my mind that I should have been in Jacksonville already. Oh well.

A quick feed for both myself and the scoot and back at it. It was an ugly type of cold and even the heated gear was struggling. I was warm but surely not close to being hot. Based on previous experience, I knew that staying out and playing in 30 degree temps is not much fun. So I made a slighgt adjustment to the right wrist and moved on down the road.

I pulled of the exit and headed to the Ramada Inn where I had left a mere 19 and a half hours ago. John Ryan was there to check me in, record my mileage, review the witness form and tell me to go to bed! Very sound advice and I eagerly took it!

It was a fun ride in spite of the phone calls.

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