Saturday, March 6, 2010

The IBA Winter Party....Friday/Saturday

Would you believe that 4 hours after I got to the hotel, I was up and at the email? Duty called and I took care of business before heading over to the Ramada. I was going to spend the night there so I packed up everything and loaded up the bike for the short 5 mile ride.

I made the decision to not attend the lunch at Cactus Jack's in Daytona. I had work to do and I wanted to have a semi-pleasant afternoon. So afer work was done, I managed to spend time in the lobby socializing with my fellow crazies! Only those who do IBA rides get the why! I had Tom Austin check out the aux fuel tank. I need to secure it better to reduce the movement and also run a line from the puke can to the end of the rear fender so that the fuel will vent behind the rear tire.

Dinner was fun and I saw lots of friends. I received my Legends SS1000 certificate, posed for the group picture, and hung out for a couple of hours. Then off to bed...fully clothed. Tired? Sure was.

Greg Rice had asked if I was eating breakfast, and if so...7:00am in the restaurant for a MTF get together. A few appeared, some were still sleeping, and some had departed already. Breakfast done, I loaded up and took off for home.

12:00 noon arrival in the garage. The 2010 IBA Party is history. Can't wait for next year!

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