Saturday, October 18, 2008

Founder's Feast - Friday

After an early Friday morning departure from Birmingham, I was off to Clarksdale, MS. Seems Mother Nature wanted to have some fun too. It was raining and cold until I reached the Mississippi border. High temps did eventually hit 70 degrees; not exactly a heat wave.

The ride took me through Tupelo, MS which is the birthplace of Elvis Presley. And there is no way that you will forget it! I continued the journey, arriving at the Shackup Inn at 12:30pm. Quite a few had already arrived, including Alan, Kevin, Braz, John, Barb, and many others. The stream of motorcycle arrivals continued throughout the day.

We headed for Ground Zero Blues Club for dinner and entertainment. Great music to be sure. However, I was in the mini rally in the morning. Time for bed.

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